Sea Breeze arrival time: Because Sea Breeze most occurs at noontime, we thought that the maximum wind speed will be at 05-06 UTC. The Realistic case is similar to Urban, so we thought two cases will have similar values. A region near the coastline will have a shorter time to reach Sea Breeze than the others. Also, The duration of the Sea Breeze might be different. The arrival time of the landing wind will be linearly delayed as it goes inland.
Updraft (Z-dir wind): Since the temperature difference between land and sea is greatest in the daytime, the Sea Breeze is the strongest at that time. Over time, we can see the movement of the Sea Breeze to the location of the grid point where the max value of z-direction wind appears due to the Sea Breeze circulation. As the temperature difference increases, z-direction wind velocity will also increase.
Heat Island Effect: As Heat Island Effect occurs in the Urban region, there might have a strong Sea Breeze near the coast. Because of the Heat Island Effect, in Urban and Realistic case, we infer that land-breeze will be observed weaker than the Sea Breeze.
Roughness Length: If the value of SFZ0 is large, the frictional force of the surface is also large. The velocity of x-direction wind is expected to be inversely proportional to the value of SFZ0.
LANDUSE Type: A case using LANDUSE Index which is similar to the land cover of the station might represent the real observation data best. When we perform linear regression analysis between model calculated data and real observation data, the regression coefficient will be close to 1 whereas correlation coefficients and y-intercepts will vary depending on the LANDUSE index and observation station.